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Kim Kardashian's SKIMS Ultimate Nipple Bra Ad Is The Funniest Thing You'll Watch Today

Kim Kardashian is known for her innovative and often controversial fashion choices, and her latest SKIMS ad is no exception. The new ad for the SKIMS Ultimate Nipple Bra is a hilarious and over-the-top take on the traditional bra commercial.

In the ad, Kardashian is seen modeling the new bra, which features a built-in faux nipple. She describes the bra as "the newest innovation in bras," and claims that it will give you "perfect fullness" and a "perky braless look."

Kardashian then goes on to demonstrate the bra's features, including its "no-slip" adhesive and its ability to "conform to your body." She also claims that the bra is "comfortable enough to wear all day long."

The ad ends with Kardashian confidently stating that the SKIMS Ultimate Nipple Bra is "the perfect bra for any occasion."

While the ad is clearly meant to be humorous, it is also a clever way for Kardashian to promote her new product. The bra has been met with mixed reactions from the public, but there is no doubt that it has generated a lot of buzz.

Here is a breakdown of the ad's funniest moments:

  • Kardashian's deadpan delivery of the line "This is the newest innovation in bras."
  • The close-up of the faux nipple, which is surprisingly realistic.
  • Kardashian's demonstration of the bra's "no-slip" adhesive, which involves her trying to pull the bra off of her chest.
  • Kardashian's claim that the bra is "comfortable enough to wear all day long," despite the fact that it is literally held in place by glue.
  • Kardashian's confident statement that the SKIMS Ultimate Nipple Bra is "the perfect bra for any occasion," including weddings, funerals, and job interviews.

Overall, the SKIMS Ultimate Nipple Bra ad is a hilarious and well-made piece of marketing. It is sure to get people talking about the product, even if they don't actually end up buying it.

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